We underscore God’s Word. God's Word (sola scriptura) is what sustains our faith (sola fide) in HIM, uniting all of us as the ecclesia, church, receiving that incredible gift called grace (sola gratia).
Our Vision"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt 28:19). Our vision is toward the greater common commission, to be that believer and disciple communicating and disseminating this truth to "go and make disciples."
The church was created to proclaim and teach God's Word, both as faith seeking understanding (mind/heart), and to live out that theology (praxis) for transformative purposes.
Jesus Christ is the head of the Church. We share God’s love through proper worship (Christocentric), fellowship, sharing of meals, and other gatherings. We give glory to God embracing the agape (love) of Jesus Christ.
Agape love moves us to care, mend, forgive, and cultivate a deeply meaningful relationship—starting in our homes. We build with faith, hope, and love. We celebrate, nurture, laugh, and cry together. We care for the mind, body, soul, and spirit.
All are offered the opportunity to serve with humility. At the center of servant-leadership at Bethany is self-emptying. We serve because we care. Humility is the seminal identity of all our servant leaders, of whom we hope that you will be one in the near future (Phil 2).
Worship is done 24/7. It is an outward expression of what we believe, expressed daily, in our personal lives at work, home, or during quiet times, but also, and centrally, weekly, on Sundays. Scripture reminds us that God seeks those who worship him in spirit and in truth. Here, you will experience this transformative power of God’s Word each Sunday, as well on Wednesday (Biblical, Theological, Historical, and Pastoral Studies), our monthly faith group gathering, and annual retreat, and revival. Come and experience living worship.