Gaithersburg, MD, English & Korean
(EM) In-Person Sundays @11am        
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Why We Give
Thanks in advance for your interest in supporting the Bethany English Ministry Church. We are sincerely and humbly grateful. Your generosity will help us continue to grow in Christ, support our outreach to other communities, and to support a Christ centered society for our youth. Moreover, your donation will also help fund and grow our church, perform missionary work, and most importantly, to bring others to Christ.

Your Donation
Your donation is Tax-deductible and any amount will go a long way in supporting the mission of our church, which is simply to grow in Christ and to bring others to him. If you are not a regular attending church member, please let us know. We would love to get to know you. Moreover, funding for our church is 100% transparent. If you have any questions or would like to discuss other options, please feel free to contact our finance department at

Ways To Give
You may donate via Zelle, Venmo, or In-Person as described below, and thank you again:
Donate via Venmo
BethanyEM Venmo QR Code
Donate via Venmo.
Donate via Zelle
BethanyEM Zelle QR Code
Donate via Zelle.
Donate In-Person
BethanyEM In-Person Donation
Join us for In-Person service, our English Ministry Offering Box is in our Sanctuary.