Gaithersburg, MD, English & Korean
(EM) In-Person Sundays @11am        
Ministries, Committees, and Faith Groups
Ministries, Committees, and Faith Groups
Bethany EM Ministries
  1. Benevolence/Care Ministry (BCM)
  2. Bridge Ministry (BM)
  3. College Ministry (CM)
  4. Professional/Grad School Ministry (PGM)
  5. Counseling &Communication Ministry (C&C)
  6. Family Ministry (FM)
  7. Men’s Ministry (MM)
  8. Outreach and Mission Ministry (OMM)
  9. Faith Group Ministry (SGM)
  10. Women’s Ministry (WM)
  11. Couples Ministry (CC)
Bethany EM Committees
  1. Ad Hoc Committee (as needed)
  2. A/V Media Committee
  3. By-law Committee
  4. Campus Security/Building Maintenance Committee
  5. Communication (Web/Social Media/Bulletin Board)
  6. Committee on Committee
  7. Fellowship and Planning Committee
  8. Finance Committee (See Article 29)
  9. Fundraising Committee
  10. KM Liaison Committee
  11. Lunch Service Committee
  12. Newcomers Committee
  13. Nominating Committee
  14. Renovation Committee
  15. Transportation/Parking Committee
  16. Worship & Praise Committee
Faith Groups Meet monthly
Faith Groups (FG) meet monthly, from “September to December” and from “February to May.” There are winter (no gathering in January) and summer breaks (no gathering from June to August). The four groups are: FG of Rockville, FG of North Potomac, FG of Derwood/Onley, and FG of Clarksburg.
Bethany Korean English Presbyterian Church